Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Feature announcement: "Most offensive words" page

Hello slang fans!

Now that The Online Slang Dictionary has been gathering offensiveness votes for some time, I added a "Most offensive words" page. It contains some pretty foul language, so be forewarned.

I've also added 2 sets of slang updates:

Now that slang words and definitions can be added directly via the website, I don't need to make an update for there to be new slang. In addition to the above updates, there were submissions on:


-- Walter (waltergr@aol.com)

Announcing The Online Slang Dictionary Blog

Hello slang fans!

The "Online Slang Dictionary - News and Updates" news feed has been available for a couple years now. (Most of you subscribe to it via e-mail.) Now, this content is available on a proper blog.

The Online Slang Dictionary Blog (blog.onlineslangdictionary.com) contains all the content from "News and Updates" - and more. I'll periodically post articles of interest to slang aficionados. Plus, you can comment on each posting.

So come by blog.onlineslangdictionary.com and say hi!

I've also added 5 sets of slang updates:

Don't forget that you can now add slang words and definitions directly on the website. Click on the "Submit" tab to get started.

-- Walter (waltergr@aol.com)

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Feature announcement: Add new words to the dictionary

Great news! Registered users can now add new slang words via the website. Click the "Submit" tab to get started.

Also, I added a new option to Usage Voting: "I no longer use this slang word." Now it will be possible to identify slang that's no longer in common use.

Plus, there's 3 new sets of slang updates:

Come by the site, sign up or sign in, and go to town adding missing slang words.

-- Walter (waltergr@aol.com)

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Feature announcement: Add definitions via the website

Great news! Registered users can now add definitions to most slang terms via the website. Just look for these links below the definitions:

  • Add a definition for this slang term ← NEW

I've also added 3 sets of slang updates:

Come by the site, sign up or sign in, and go to town adding missing or new definitions.

-- Walter (waltergr@aol.com)

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

3 new updates

Hello slang fans!

I've added 3 sets of slang updates:

Don't forget that the Online Slang Dictionary has Vulgarity Meters, which show you at a glance whether a slang word is workplace appropriate (or ever appropriate.)

Come by the site, sign up for a user account, and weigh in with your vote on how vulgar these new and updated slang words are!

-- Walter (waltergr@aol.com)

Friday, July 3, 2009

4 new updates

Hello slang fans!

I've added 4 sets of slang updates:

Don't forget that the Online Slang Dictionary now has Vulgarity Meters, which show you at a glance whether a slang word is workplace appropriate (or ever appropriate.)

Come by the site, sign up for a user account, and weigh in with your vote on how vulgar these new and updated slang words are!

-- Walter (waltergr@aol.com)