Monday, August 6, 2007

27 terms for Monday

Today's updates are available here. Send any additions, corrections, or suggestions to

-- Walter

Friday, August 3, 2007

25 new and updated terms for Friday

Today's updates are available here. Send any additions, corrections, or suggestions to

Have a great weekend!

-- Walter

Monday, July 30, 2007

25 new and updated terms today

Today's updates are available here. Send any additions, corrections, or suggestions to

-- Walter

Thursday, July 26, 2007

24 new and updated words for Thursday

24 terms for today. You can view them here. Send any additions, corrections, or suggestions to

-- Walter

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

23 terms today

23 terms for Tuesday.

-- Walter

Monday, July 23, 2007

21 new and updated terms for Monday

21 terms today. Hope you had a good weekend.

-- Walter

Thursday, July 19, 2007

26 new and updated terms for today

26 terms today. Hope you enjoy!

-- Walter

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

18 new and updated terms; and search!

18 terms today. And you can now search the dictionary and thesaurus from any page. Just look for the search box!

-- Walter

Monday, July 16, 2007

24 new and updated words, plus easier linking

Happy Monday. Here's some new slang for ya.

I mentioned in the weekend update that I added pages for individual slang terms. This is a step towards Online Slang Dictionary search (coming later this week!) and also makes linking easier. Linking instructions are available for each term by clicking "Link to this word" at the bottom of the definition.

-- Walter

Saturday, July 14, 2007

Feature Updates: Improved thesaurus; link to individual terms

It's too hot outside, so I decided to stay in and improve some features.

First, the thesaurus is now easier to navigate. On each thesaurus page, it now has "breadcrumbs" that show where the thesaurus category is located, as well as links so you can filter to more specific categories. It looks like this:

Thingspolice and crime → crime

To filter these results, click one of the following categories:

The second addition is that each slang term now has its own page. This will make linking to terms much easier, but has a cooler benefit: it's a step towards adding search functionality. I've updated the Linking page, but soon I'll make it even easier to link to terms.

Hope you're having a good weekend!

-- Walter

Friday, July 13, 2007

37 new and updated slang terms

Here's the new batch. I've started going through e-mailed submissions, so if you've e-mailed me recently, be on the lookout. :) Thanks to everyone who has submitted slang!

-- Walter

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

25 new terms

Here's the new batch. BTW, you can always view the most recent update by clicking the "Recent Additions" tab.

-- Walter

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

New "related words" links, plus 20 new terms

Here's volume 3 of Slang from the OSD Vaults. Hope you like 'em.

Also, I added links to the bottom of each definition so you can view related slang words. Hopefully that will make the thesaurus a bit easier to use. Feel free to send me feedback at

-- Walter

Friday, July 6, 2007

20 New Terms

In honor of The Online Slang Dictionary's 10+ years on the web, I've gone through the annals of OSD history and found terms that - for one reason or another - I didn't put into the dictionary the first time around.

Here's volume 1 of Slang from the OSD Vaults. Enjoy!

-- Walter

Thursday, July 5, 2007

26 Updated Terms

For your viewing pleasure, I present 26 terms that have been updated in some way: new definitions, updated definitions, better origin notes, etc. Check 'em out here. Enjoy!

-- Walter

P.S. If you haven't already, be sure to sign up for updates. You can sign up for e-mail updates at the bottom of any page. Or, if you use a newsreader, there's a link down there too.

P.P.S. The e-mail updates are delivered by FeedBurner, which is a service Google provides. I won't use your e-mail address for anything but the updates (nor will Google) and you can unsubscribe at any time.

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Visual update

Old and busted:

and a half  1. used to indicate an extreme condition or an excessive amount. ("Man, I've got a cold and a half.") Can also be used by itself in response to someone. ("You got some beer?" Response: "And a half!")  Submitted by Emily Marcroft, UC Berkeley, CA, USA, 13-01-1998. 

New hotness:

and a half
  1. used to indicate an extreme condition or an excessive amount. Can also be used by itself or in response to someone.
    Man, I've got a cold and a half.
    Speaker: You got some beer?
    Response: And a half!

    Submitted by Emily Marcroft, UC Berkeley, CA, USA, 13-01-1998.

Like it? Hate it? Let me know.


Monday, July 2, 2007

Over Ten Years on the Web (and announcing e-mail updates)

It's hard to believe (time files and all that) but The Online Slang Dictionary has been on the web for a decade! Thanks so much to you: our visitors and contributors, and those who have sent words of encouragement and constructive feedback.

You may have noticed a flurry of activity recently: moving to a new web address, the just- launched Online Slang Thesaurus, and visual updates. There's a ton more to come. (Sneak peak: more visual improvements, and search!) To help our readers keep up with all the updates, I'm pleased to announce that we now offer e-mail updates, and if you use a news reader, RSS feeds!

If you'd like to receive e-mail updates or you use an RSS news reader, please click over to The Online Slang Dictionary to subscribe.

Thursday, June 28, 2007

Introducing The Online Slang Thesaurus

The thesaurus is now live - click on the "Thesaurus" tab above to get started. You can browse all the words in the dictionary by category - e.g. words related to alcohol, words meaning "head", etc.

I'll be making improvements soon so that it's easier to navigate, and so that you can find related words for each word in the dictionary. But next up I'm going to add search functionality.

Send compliments, criticisms, or cash to Enjoy! :)

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

The move to is complete!

I have moved all of the content from the old home of The Online Slang Dictionary to here, its new home. Links to the old home ( should continue to work, but please update your bookmarks/links. If you can't find something, feel free to drop me a line at

Monday, May 28, 2007

Hope you like the visual changes

I've been doing some work on the templates I use to generate the Dictionary. The visual changes aren't huge, but hopefully you'll find the site a bit purtier; a bit more readable. How does it look? Drop me a line at me at

Saturday, May 5, 2007

The Online Slang Dictionary is moving to its own web address

The OSD is moving from its old home to here, at its own web address.

If you see your browser's address bar switch between and, this is normal, because contents are currently split between the two addresses.

If any links are broken or you find problems, feel free to e-mail me at

Web authors, it'd be great if you updated your links to use the new address. (I don't know if Google knows about the move yet. :) In the meantime, old links should continue to work. Drop me an e-mail if that's not working. Thanks!